
Best OK To Wake Clocks That Will Keep Your Toddler From Waking You With The Birds


What Is an OK to wake clock?

OK to wake clocks (also called sleep training clocks or toddler alarm clocks) use visual cues instead of numbers to let kids know if it’s time for sleeping or OK to get up–even before they’re old enough to tell time. The best versions also double as sound machines and night lights, creating a calming bedtime routine and kid-friendly sleep environment. And we can’t make any promises, but in our own personal experiences, they also help the entire house get more sleep.

At what age can you use an OK to wake clock?

If your little one is old enough to understand the concept, they’re old enough! Generally between the ages of two and three kids are old enough to understand that red means stay in bed, green means it’s OK to get up. The good news is, many styles are designed to last long after they can tell time.


Do OK to wake clocks work?

With a bit of practice, parents and experts alike agree that sleep training clocks are an effective tool to help kids develop healthy sleep habits. As with so many situations, toddlers thrive on routine and clear expectations. Think about your typical preschool classroom. Everything from their daily schedule to where to line up is clearly defined with pictures and labels. An OK to wake clock makes time a visual concept with rules they can understand and follow. They’re also a big help during daylight saving time. After all, just because the clocks change, it doesn’t mean their tiny biological clock shifts with it.


While there is an ever-growing collection of OK to wake clocks out there, we’ve done the research to find the ones worth buying. From simple models that cover the basics to versatile app-enabled versions with all the bells and whistles, these are best OK to wake clocks based on our personal experience and rave reviews from friends and parents.



Rest+ 2nd Gen

You could call it an all-in-one sleep training tool but we prefer to just call it magic. From the quality and design to the impressive list of features, the Hatch Rest+ 2nd Generation is our all-around top pick for a whole host of reasons. For one thing, the portable design checks the box of a clock, sound machine and nightlight, which keeps nightstand and dresser clutter to a minimum. But more importantly, it performs all those tasks like a champ. Pair it with the Hatch app to program sleep and wake times with sounds and colors, accompany their slumber with a wide selection of white and pink noise options and take it from room to room without having to juggle cords.


The range of volume and brightness along with the quality of sound is *chef’s kiss* and since it operates via wifi, you can adjust everything without ever even stepping foot in their room. For naps  And though it doesn’t require a subscription to get all the great benefits, you can opt into a Hatch Sleep Membership ($49.99/year or $4.99/month)to get access to a library of expert developed content to help create healthy sleep habits. There are calming meditation routines, peaceful dreamscapes and stories crafted for winding down.

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