
Best Breastmilk Cooler Bags That Will Keep Your Breastmilk Fresh And Cold For Hours


Whether it’s because you’re back at work post-maternity leave, or you’re on a quick weekend getaway without the baby (which you 1000% deserve) or you’re just simply running errands for a couple hours, there are a million and one reasons why moms often pump when they’re out of the house and need a cooler bag to store that coveted breastmilk in so they can save it for a future feeding. (Personally, as a breastfeeding mom, nothing broke my heart more than pumping and dumping because I didn’t have a safe way to keep my milk cold.)

That’s why one must-have on the list of breastfeeding products is a cooler bag for that liquid gold. But, as is often the case for busy moms on the go, there are endless choices! How long can breastmilk even be in a cooler? What should you look for in a breastmilk cooler bag? Let’s unpack and get some answers.



Sarah Wells

Cold Gold Breastmilk Cooler Bag

This gorgeous breastmilk storage bag comes in a variety of color patterns, so if the bright mosaic isn’t for you, check out the black and white, or gray and white, or even the berry bloom pattern—you’re sure to find one you love.

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