
A High-End Kitchenware Brand From Milan, Italy That Will Make You Fall In Love With Cooking!


Knindustrie was founded in Milan, Italy in 2011. Through collaborations with renowned designers and Michelin-starred chefs, it has launched several kitchenware collections that are highly chef-focused, design-driven, and task-oriented. The Berti artisan knives are handmade with a relentless pursuit of tradition and quality, and each knife is crafted by a single artisan, imbuing each tool with a unique spirit.

In addition to knives, Knindustrie has transformed cookware into beautiful kitchen tools with its minimalist and innovative approach. Unlike ordinary cookware with dull exteriors, Knindustrie uses unique glass materials to make its products stand out among similar items. "It is completely transparent, making you instantly fall in love with Knindustrie."


The brand has added a new element to professional kitchenware by introducing glass elements into an aluminium cookware with a nanotechnology ceramic coating, surpassing the concept of traditional standard cookware. Using high-performance, ultra-heat-resistant borosilicate glass makes it durable, beautiful, heat-resistant, and not afraid of dry burning or rapid temperature changes. Its insulation effect is also excellent, revealing its true heart. Good cookware should enter your kitchen based on its actual performance.


What is particularly romantic about Knindustrie's borosilicate glass cookware is that every screw and bolt is uniquely one-of-a-kind: each screw and bolt accessory has its own number, and they come with a unique sense of mission to dedicate their lives to your cooking.


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