Angelina Jolie, the famous actress-director, has recently announced the creation of her new fashion collective, Atelier Jolie. This exciting new endeavor is set to make waves in the fashion industry, and Jolie has enlisted the help of some of the most notable names in high-end fashion for her inaugural collaboration.
The first capsule collection from Atelier Jolie will be co-designed with minimalist luxury brand Chloé and its current creative director, Gabriela Hearst. The collection will focus on ready-to-wear pieces that celebrate modern femininity and highlight authentic women-to-women connections. Atelier Jolie's Instagram account states that the collection will honor commitments to improving social and environmental sustainability with greater transparency and accountability.
Jolie and her collaborators are committed to spotlighting female-charged businesses and working with artisans from a Fair-Trade enterprise. They are also crafting items from low-impact materials, producing a line that incorporates a higher percentage of lower-impact materials than any previous collection from the Maison.
In addition to her commitment to sustainability and ethical fashion practices, Jolie is also dedicated to supporting the development of skilled artisans. She plans to put her earnings from the partnership toward establishing apprenticeships for tailors and artisans under her fashion house. Atelier Jolie has opened applications for expert tailors, pattern makers, and artisans from around the world to contribute their talents.
“It has been a privilege to design with Gabriela Hearst, and I hope all women will feel comfortable and beautiful in this capsule collection,” noted Jolie in an Instagram statement. Hearst also shared her excitement about the collaboration on her Instagram account, stating that "It is a way to elevate others through the beauty of garment-making and her deep respect for the environment."
The Atelier Jolie capsule collection is a highly anticipated collaboration that promises to make a positive impact on the fashion industry. Jolie's commitment to sustainability and ethical fashion practices, combined with the expertise of Chloé and Gabriela Hearst, is sure to create a collection that is both beautiful and socially responsible. Stay tuned for more updates from Atelier Jolie as they continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what fashion can be.