The latest animated film by Hayao Miyazaki, "The Boy and the Heron," is set to be released worldwide. Following the release of a text-based teaser trailer by North American distributor GKIDS last week, they have now unveiled a brand new trailer.
Although the trailer is just over 1 minute long, it begins with a war scene, indicating the film's temporal and spatial background. The protagonist, Makoto, moves around the house with his stepmother, Natsuko. As the elderly women disperse, the visuals and music create a suspenseful atmosphere, symbolizing Makoto being guided by a mysterious heron into a magical world, embarking on a fantastical adventure.
In Japan, there are many design and brand names that, like Hayao Miyazaki, have an almost perfectionist approach to their products. One of them is Véritécoeur, hailing from Fukuoka.
Véritécoeur, meaning "sincerity" in French, focuses on bringing out the charm of materials in their meticulously crafted products. The brand places great importance on comfort, allowing users to feel the warmth in their hands. Their diverse collection maintains the brand's distinctive features, ranging from formal attire to everyday wear. The creator's desire is for anyone to be able to wear, wash, and cherish their garments, which become beloved and treasured pieces. Enriching everyday wear that aligns with various lifestyles is their vision. With a sincere heart, the brand is named Véritécoeur, hoping that users can enjoy the wonderful moments with their products. As you repeatedly wash them, they will present an enhanced appearance and delightful texture, becoming one of the daily pleasures and providing reassurance in your busy life.
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