
Every Perfume Tells A Story: Each Of You Want To Find A Story In Yourself


Salon fragrance brand Anna Paghera, born in 1986 in Milan, Italy, the world's design capital, has a history of 36 years, since the establishment of the brand has been to create home fragrance series products with the method of mixing perfume, because of the multi-level texture of the smell and the higher atmosphere of the space and consumers love.

The founder, Anna Paghera, was born into a prominent Italian family of gardeners who have been involved in green nature for five generations and whose surname also means fir in the ancient language of the region. This gene reveals the perception of plant smell talent and innate natural aesthetic, so that Anna Paghera's fragrance style also achieved an excellent balance between modern and natural.

It is from this world that Anna has been immersed in that she draws inspiration, using olfactory memories to create fragrances that carry the breath and traces of the past years.

Each perfume is a recipe born from the inspiration of the past, but designed for the present.

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