
The Effective Skin Care Line with the Revolution in Anti-Aging Care L-Carnosine


Dr. Susanne von Schmiedeberg has been passionate for years about everything that can preserve the beauty of the skin. “It has always been my dream to develop an effective and efficient anti-age care.” The trigger was the birth of our third child seven years ago. The pregnancy pounds stubbornly remained on my hips and I no longer felt good.” After changing her lifestyle and diet and eliminating most carbohydrates and sugar from her nutrition plan, the results quickly became apparent. The kilos fell off, her well-being returned – and, above all, the appearance of her skin improved significantly. A key experience for the doctor. “Many people know that sugar can make us sluggish and flabby. But not that it ages our skin,” says the anti-aging expert.

Dr. Susanne von Schmiedeberg dived deeper into the subject. She wanted to find out why sugar ages our skin. The answer was the saccharification of the skin, known as glycation. Sugar forms complex compounds with proteins in the body called A.G.E.s (Advanced Glycation End Products). These A.G.E.s destroy the cellular function of the skin and cause it to age faster. During her research, Dr. Susanne von Schmiedeberg quickly realised that only one active ingredient could be considered that is effective against the glycation of the skin: L-Carnosine!


The idea was born to develop a facial care product based on L-Carnosine that would reduce A.G.E.s and thus demonstrably slow down the skin-aging process. The doctor’s wish for an effective anti-aging care that can help as many women as possible has now been fulfilled.

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